Traffic and Road Safety Signage

 Sun-signs® as a leading manufacturer and supplier of Traffic Signage Solutions in India provides an exceptional quality product range as per IRC (Indian Road Congress) Standard 67-2022.

We are the authorized convertor of every Dennison. U.S.A. Our Traffic Signages are designed to withstand all types of weather conditions, high and low temperatures, UV Protected, and retain Colour Sharpness with long service life.

We have an in-house Retro-Reflective Sheeting Division. With HP Latex Printing facility, we provide the best outdoor colour sharpness life for Retro-reflective Traffic Signages as per ISO 3864-1:2011 – Safety Colours and Safety Signs ensuring maximum visibility and clarity in all weather conditions and ISO 17398 Signage Colours and Life.

Our Retro Reflective Signages minimize the risk of accidents by reflecting light and making the sign visible even from a distance. Distance and location of installation of Road Safety Signage define the size of the sign board. It must be visible to all road users. In addition, we have Lamination, Laser Cutting and High Plotter Cutting Machines for Overlay Films used for Traffic sign boards.

Classification of Traffic Signs

There are various types of Traffic Mandatory Signages that are used to convey important messages and regulate traffic on roads as per Indian Traffic Rules and Regulation, such as:

Regulatory Signs or Mandatory Signs

Traffic Mandatory Sign Boards instruct drivers “MUST DO”. These signs inform drivers about laws and regulations that must be followed. Mandatory signs are circular with white symbols on blue background. For instance, Traffic Regulatory Signage includes Stop Signs, Speed Limit Signs, No Parking Sign Boards, and One-Way Signs. These signs are mandatory to regulate the flow of traffic. Regulatory and Mandatory Signs of Road Safety comply with Indian Traffic Rules and Regulations. Any violation of Traffic Rules and Regulations is a legal offense.

In addition, there are Road Combination Signs which are Mandatory Signs used in combination with road markings, such as:

  1. Stop Sign
  2. Give Way Sign
Road Prohibition Signs

Road Safety Prohibition Signs indicate restricting or stopping an activity. Prohibition upon certain kinds of vehicle makeover and vehicle type like “Overtaking Prohibited” or “U-Turn Prohibited” or “Cycles Prohibited” and restriction on parking like “No Parking ” and limit on vehicle speed such as “Speed Limit” and “Maximum Load Limit”.

Road Prohibition Signage is with a Red Circular Ring and Diagonal bars with Black Symbols or Arrows or Letters on White background.

There are various Prohibition Signs such as:

  • No Stopping and No Standing Signs
  • No Parking Signs
  • Speed Limit Signs
  • Speed Limit and Vehicle Control Signs
  • Restriction Ends Sign
  • Compulsory Direction Control and Other Signs
Warning Signs

ROAD WARNING SIGNS alert drivers about potential hazards or changes in the road ahead. They help drivers to take necessary precautions while driving in a specific area. These signs are Red Border triangles and Black Symbols in White Backgrounds used to alert road users to potential danger. For Instance, Curves AheadSlippery RoadsPedestrian Crossing, and School Ahead Signs are to inform road drivers.

Information or Guide Signs

Guide Signs convey information regarding – destinations, routes, and services. They help drivers navigate and make informed decisions. For Example, it includes Highway Exit SignsStreet Name Signs, and Distance Markers. On the other hand, Traffic Information Signs provide additional information to driver, such as parking regulations, road closures, and directions to specific facilities.

Direction Information Signs

These signs for different category roads will have different colour combinations. They are typically displayed on roadways or near parking areas. These Signs are rectangular in shape and convey a message – a combination of text, arrows, and symbols.

Facility Information Signs

These signs provide information about the location and availability of services to road users.

Road Construction Signs

Construction Signs are temporary signs used in work zones to warn drivers about construction activities and temporary changes in traffic patterns. They ensure the safety of both drivers and men at work.

Pedestrian Signs

Pedestrian signs enhance the safety of pedestrians. They include Crosswalk SignsPedestrian Crossing Signs and Signs indicating the presence of pedestrians or school zones.

Bicycle Signs

Bicycle signs are specifically designed to communicate with cyclists. They include Bicycle Lane Signs, shared bicycle and Pedestrian Path Signs, and signs indicating bike routes or bike parking areas.

School Zone Signs

These signs are placed near schools to alert drivers to reduced speed limits and the presence of children. They aim to enhance the safety of students and promote cautious driving in school zones.

Parking Signs

These signs indicate parking rules, restrictions, and availability in specific areas. For instance, include signs indicating Parking Zones, Time Limits, Permit Requirements, and Disabled Parking Spaces.

Traffic Signals and Signs

Traffic Lights and Signs work together to control traffic flow at intersections and ensure safe movements of vehicles and pedestrians. These include signals indicating when to stop, go, or yield.

Road Markings

Although not strictly signages, Road Markings play a crucial role in regulating traffic. They support signages and guide road users to avoid collisions. Road Safety Marking include Lane Markings, Cross Walk Markings, arrows, and symbols painted on the Road Surface to guide drivers.

In conclusion, Traffic Safety Sign Board supports the Smooth Flow of Traffic and reduces the risk of road accidents. It is recommended to strictly follow all Traffic Safety Signs, Prohibition Signs, and Warning Signs on the road and ensure safety for all.


  1. What is the objective of Traffic Safety Signs?

Traffic Signs give information about the condition of the road ahead. They provide instructions or guidance to drivers necessary to follow at major crossroads or junctions. Traffic Safety Signs are essential for safety of road users. They reduce road accidents, traffic jams and thus, control the flow of traffic on road.

  1. What are the three types of Road Safety Signs?

Three types of Road Safety Signs are:

  1. Mandatory Signs
  2. Cautionary Signs
  3. Information Signs
  1. What are the compulsory Road Signs?

Regulatory or Mandatory Road signs are compulsory for road safety and are comply with Indian Traffic Rules and regulation. Violation of Regulatory Road Signs is an offence. Thus, every person on road need to strictly follow the rules. Mandatory Road Signs are generally round with red borders. Some of them are blue in color. ‘Stop’ and ‘Give Way’ are octagon and triangular, respectively, in shape.

  1. Why are Road Safety Rules important?

In most cases, accidents happen due to carelessness or due to a lack of Road Safety Awareness of the road user. Installing Road Signs on roadsides guide drivers to follow the instructions and drive safely.

  1. How do you ensure Road Safety?

Rules to ensure Road Safety for Children:

  • Know Your Signals.
  • Stop, Look, And Cross.
  • Pay Attention
  • Don’t Run on Roads.
  • Always Use Sidewalks.
  • Use Pedestrian Crossing.
  • Never Stick Hands outside the Vehicle.
  • Never Crossroads at Bends.
  1. What are the most important Road Signs?

The top five important Traffic Signs for Road Safety Signs are:

  • Speed Limit Signs
  • Stop Signs
  • Yield Signs
  • Pedestrian Crossing Signs
  • Construction Signs
  1. What is the theme of Road Safety?

The theme of Road Safety for the year 2023 is ‘Sadak Suraksha Jeevan Raksha’. The aim is to raise Road Safety Awareness and Traffic Rules amongst people. The people must follow traffic rules while on road. Thus, keep yourself and others safe.

  1. What are the different shapes and colors of traffic signs?

Traffic Signs have standardized shapes and colors to convey specific messages:

  1. Stop Signs are octagon shaped.
  2. Triangle Signs indicate caution or yield.
  3. Round Signs provide railroad crossing warnings.
  4. Rectangular Signs generally convey regulations or guidance.
  5. Regulatory Signs are Red, White, or Black and White.
  6. Warning Signs are typically Yellow or Orange.
  7. Guide Signs are Green, Blue, or Brown.
  8. Construction or Temporary Signs are typically Orange.
  1. Are Traffic Signs the same worldwide?

While there are some signs and symbols commonly used in traffic signs across countries. There may be variations in colours, shapes, or specific designs. It is essential to be aware of the specific traffic laws and regulations of the region you are driving in.

  1. Can traffic signs be supplemented by Road Markings on the road?

Yes, traffic signs can be supplemented by Road Markings such as arrows, lines, or symbols to provide further guidance to road users. These markings are often painted on the road surface and work in combination with the signs to convey information to road users.